Yoodo SRG Dominated Regular Season

Yoodo Selangor Red Giants (YSRG) ended the MPL Malaysia Season 13 regular season with an 'Invincibles' record, making YSRG the first team to achieve a 2-0 victory in all 9 matches without losing. This achievement also surpasses the regular season record of Season 6.

This has been a season of pride for the loyal Red and Yellow supporters as the YSRG team managed to display an impressive style of play. From the opening match to the closing match, the regular season, which ended last Sunday, was remarkable. In terms of statistics, the YSRG team recorded the highest number of kills with 269 and the lowest number of deaths with 92. This clearly shows that the Red Giants dominated every match, even though they only played two rounds in each match.

Overall, the YSRG team has accumulated 27 points from 9 matches, with a 7-point difference from the team in second place in the league. This position has also qualified the Red Giants team for a spot in the Upper Bracket Semi-Final in the playoffs. Looking at individual achievements, the main lineup of players is in the top 10 in the chart for the highest Average KDA (Kill/Death/Assist), dominated by Innocent with an Average KDA of 15.8 over 18 matches.

The team's coaching staff also expressed pride in the team's achievements this season.

"Before the league started, we only aimed to get as many wins as possible because several changes had occurred within the team. However, with the hard work of each individual in the team, we managed to set the best league record with 'invincible' victories. This success is a great bonus for us, and I am very proud of them (the players)," said Arcadia.

In addition, Arcadia explained that this achievement is the result of the cooperation of every individual in the team and the support from all the loyal Red Giants supporters. "All of this was achieved through teamwork. Even though players like Gojes and Zakqt did not play on stage, their efforts and contributions were factors in the team's success."

Next, the focus of the Red Giants squad will continue in the playoffs, which will see the team compete for a spot in the international matches, namely the MSC and the MSC Wildcard at the World Cup Esports in Riyadh.

The Red Giants squad will begin their action in the Upper Bracket Semi-Final, awaiting the winner from the QuarterFinal Bracket between Todak and King Empire Esports.

According to assistant coach OzoraVeki, the team will take a break before beginning preparations for the playoffs. "The team will rest for a few days. They deserve a long rest for the hard work they have shown. After that, we will get back to preparing the team for the playoffs," emphasized OzoraVeki.

The playoff stage of MPL Malaysia Season 13 will commence on May 30 with a new match format, 'Best of 5', for each game.

The management would like to extend congratulations on the success at the regular season and always pray for the success of Yoodo Selangor Red Giants.

May the team's preparations be facilitated

Demi Kebanggaan!