Red Giants Care Promotes Hijrah Selangor Programs To Help The Needy

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact not only on Malaysians but on people around the world. The presence of this enemy which cannot be seen by the naked eye has changed our lifestyle in the blink of an eye.

Among the effects most felt by ourselves with the implementation of the Movement Control Order (PKP) which restricts our movement and controls our daily affairs such as the order to close the operation of a business and limited sales hours.

Thus, among the industries most affected by this are the small and medium industrial business sectors such as restaurants, small stalls, and hawkers, as well as small enterprises such as service-based businesses.

Red Giants Care feels called to provide a solution for Selangor supporters affected by the COVID-19 outbreak by promoting the efforts of Hijrah Selangor, an organization that offers integrated microcredit (small loan) programs in providing easy additional capital assistance, fast and unobtrusive specializes in hawkers and small traders throughout Selangor.

Apart from that, Hijrah Selangor also provides advisory services towards producing viable and proactive entrepreneurs, besides exploring business opportunities for the interests and benefits of Hijrah Selangor entrepreneurs.

Among the latest initiatives launched by Hijrah Selangor to help entrepreneurs during this pandemic are the Go Digital and NaDI (Skim Niaga Darul Ehsan) programs.

The Go Digital program is funding that covers equipment, system, training, and monitoring packages, in addition to the provision of working capital of up to RM5,000 in each funding.

This scheme was created through the Selangor Digitalization Agenda, a special initiative of e-Supply of Micro Retailers and Selangor e-Kitchen to empower the digital economy ecosystem among micro-entrepreneurs.

The use of this digital infrastructure aims to help online marketing, increase sales and profits as well as increase the productivity profits of micro-entrepreneurs.

Apart from that, the NaDi (Skim Niaga Darul Ehsan) initiative was also launched to open opportunities to the people of Selangor who are affected by COVID-19. This program encourages entrepreneurs who do not have a Sijil Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) to start a business by offering a financial loan of up to RM5,000 and a repayment period of up to 3 years.

The objective of the scheme is to open up opportunities for the people affected by this pandemic, in particular, to help them grow their household income through a business platform.

For any application for microcredit programs or for more information on other business assistance programs, Selangor supporters can go directly to their official website,, or follow Hijrah Selangor on their social media channels.

Red Giants Care hopes that Selangor supporters who need help to strengthen their business can contact Hijrah Selangor because the injection of funds channeled can not only grow the business but it is implemented transparently and not burdensome.

Kita adalah satu.


About Red Giants Care

Red Giants Care, an initiative by Selangor FC, aims to focus on the planning and implementation of welfare and community programs (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR) in Selangor.

This initiative is very important to create an organization that is not only involved in the development of state football but also emphasizes social responsibility to the people of Selangor, especially the less fortunate and the neediest..